Left or right hemisphere?

Left or right hemisphere?

I just this morning read an interesting tip related to being right or left hemisphere dominant by a life coach, Tim Brownsen, from his article titled " 70 Amazing facts about your brain . . . ". He says that despite being either left or right hemisphere dominant the brain increases blood supply to the left half of your brain every 90 to 120 minutes enabling one to think more linearly at those times. He says that we can tell which hemisphere is currently more dominant by the supply of blood to that hemisphere. Unless you have a cold at the moment, we can practically do this by closing our mouths and breathng through our noses. He suggets that we should feel our breath flowing up one nasal cavity with more ease than othe other. If not, block one nostril at a time and breath in through each seperatesly. You should notice the air flow more easily through one side than the other. This is due vascular constriction (feels a bit blocked) - the side where there are more blood vessels will allow for air to flow more easily. Tim says "Vascular constriction is controlled by the autonomic nervous system, which is one of the few parts of the brain that does not cross over. In other words, if your right nasal passage has constricted blood vessels, then so has the right side of your brain. Which means that you are predominantly using the opposite hemisphere of your brain."

I find this particularly fascinating because of my own interest in the two hemispheres of the brain and their connection to creativity and ability to access our emotions. It seems that I am indeed more right hemisphere dominant . . .